Love Letters To the Island
Letter to the Island

Love Letters To the Island

By Rich Osborne

The Vashon Loop invites Islanders to share what they appreciate about Vashon-Maury Island and Island life. Send your letter to

June 2017, I was selling my foods at the Vashon Farmers’ Market. John Moore and I were helping other vendors set up their booths. One week, John said “Rich, you act like a Rotarian, being of service to others.“ I replied “Thanks.” John invited me to a Rotary meeting. To “meet Islanders who share our mindset.”

I came to the next Rotary meeting. I met a group of men and women who were hard-working, successful, and organized. Smart people who would come into a room, check their ego at the door and ask “How can I help the mission?”

In 2017, I had an idea to provide free ferry tickets home to Islanders who had to go off-Island for medical treatment. It became the “Home2Vashon Project.” My Rotary sisters and brothers were the first to offer help. We continue to this day.

My other Rotary project is “Music Mends Minds.” Every Tuesday at 1:30 pm, we have a sing-along at the Senior Center, for people with dementia. Singing makes a huge difference in our quality of life. Rotary has dozens of other projects.

I admire and respect my Rotary family. We really are making a difference, to so many people around the world.

Editor’s Note: To learn more about Music Mends Minds, Please see Rich’s article “Come Sing With Us at Music Mends Minds” published in The Vashon Loop, Sept. 2022.

June 6, 2023

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