Island Resilience

April 2024, Island Resilience

The AI Bubble and its Needles

By Marc J. Elzenbeck Hot as the Dot-Com bubble may have been, the AI bubble is blazing. There are strong connections between now and then. At its height in 1999, a smallish company named Sun Microsystems made computers key to powering the graphical internet, and its stock was bid to a staggering 10x price to…

The Value of Giving a Damn!
April 2024, Island Resilience

The Value of Giving a Damn!

By March Twisdale After a year of talking with Island businesses about the significant negative impacts of point-of-service (POS) transaction fees (Bank Taxes), I came up with an idea. How about passing these fees back to customers paying with plastic, just like the grocery stores charge customers who show up without a bag? The only…

Ham Radio in “Peacetime”
April 2024, Island Resilience

Ham Radio in “Peacetime”

By Andy Valencia Last issue, I talked about the strength of ham radio in providing communications during catastrophic disruptions of our traditional networks. But what does a ham radio operator do when the world hasn’t gone full Mad Max? If you have a handie-talkie (a hand-held radio, about the size of a cell phone), the…

Island Resilience, March 2024

Looking for a Good Neighbaaa

By Marc J. Elzenbeck Call me stupid. My auto and home insurance stayed nearly unchanged for the most part of a decade, with only minor upticks reflecting an occasional policy adjustment. Towing coverage was added on a couple vehicles, plus a separate umbrella covering teenager mishap, malfeasance, or vandalism.  Starting in January 2022, both basics…

Gold, Bitcoin, Money, and Currency
Island Resilience, March 2024

Gold, Bitcoin, Money, and Currency

By Stephen Buller “Gold is money. Everything else is credit.” – John Pierpont Morgan  Regarding money, it would be wise to listen to the words of the founder of the largest bank on the planet, but I doubt he could imagine the world we live in today. Did Mr. Morgan simply lack the perspective to…

When Cell, Internet, and Landlines Go Silent
Island Resilience, March 2024

When Cell, Internet, and Landlines Go Silent

By Andy Valencia We keep bottled water in case our faucet’s suddenly dry. We have emergency rations in case the store’s supply chain is interrupted. And then there’s how we keep in touch, find out things, and buy things. Everything – phones, texting, email, apps – has converged on internet technology. When that “cyber event”…

Island Resilience, January 2024

New Year’s Resolutions for Our Community

By March Twisdale As we step into 2024, I think we can agree on one thing. Our interconnected lives are directly impacted by individual choices, including our habits and decisions as consumers. Everyone can agree that options are good for customers, and what’s good for customers is good for business. This includes payment options. Indeed,…

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