Jane Valencia

Songs of Kindness, Music of Love
Island Voices

Songs of Kindness, Music of Love

The songs are soft and gentle, sung in what is called a “lullaby voice,” all voices blending in music that is not intended for performance, but for the comfort of those who are suffering near or at the end of life. Two to four singers gather at the bedside, offering restful songs to soothe and…

Land Acknowledgement
Editorial Page

Land Acknowledgement

Last issue, we suggested that nature expresses in the language its people speak, especially over generations, when the people have a rich relationship with place. Here in the Puget Sound region, the language of land, sea, and people is called txʷəlšucid (which sounds a bit like “twuhlshootseed”). It is also known as dxʷləšucid, or xʷəlšucid,…

Haiku Comic – Cold Outside, With Dog

Haiku Comic – Cold Outside, With Dog

This haiku comic was inspired by an experience my friend Cynthia shared with me, and is dedicated in memory of her brother, Jaime Sadurni Mendiola. Cold outside, with dog Stars freeze too – night is punctured Strokes of silver – swans!

Children, Literary

Rose Hip and Snowberry – Part 3

In a time when technology has fallen away, Islanders are rediscovering the ways of the forest. In a frenzy of excitement and discovery, two children, Rose Hip and Snowberry, have yanked quantities of moss and licorice fern from a tree. They turn to head home, only to stop short in surprise! In front of them…

Editorial Page

Land Acknowledgment – Waters in Name

Perhaps language arose with humans as a kind of call-and-response with the natural world. In the midst of the companionable sounds around us, we found ourselves with things to say in turn. In any case, nature expresses in our languages. We can hear the waters, aspects of geography, animals, birds, weather, and temperature in the…

Rose Hip and Snowberry – Part 2
Children, Literary

Rose Hip and Snowberry – Part 2

This is a continuation of the story started in the December issue of The Vashon Loop. In a time when technology falls away, the folk of an Island find themselves returning to the ways of the forest. Two children, Rose Hip and Snowberry, explore their new world. This is one of their adventures. Rose Hip…

Editorial Page

Land Acknowledgment: Red Cedar – Tree of Life

Throughout the world, across time and place, cultures recognize a Tree of Life. The Tree may grow as a specific species, or express as an archetypal form, yet the gifts this Tree bears are not only of physical abundance, but of sacred relationship, generosity, promise, and well-being. Here in the Salish Sea (Puget Sound) region,…

Invitation To Divide
Editorial Page

Invitation To Divide

The Vashon Loop has a fun series called, “What Brought You to the Island?” Such arrival stories often include surprising and unique details, but there is also a common thread – a desire for community. What is community? Is it the mere presence of other human beings? Is it the roads, mailboxes, parks, and stores?…

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