Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Entertainment, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

By Daniel Hooker Q. What’s the most dangerous thing in your bathroom to use as your life preserver A. A sink! ~ From J.J. Mormon at Island Lumber: I can’t understand why New Yorkers make such a big deal about New Year’s Eve. I mean, after all, every year they drop the ball! ~ I…

Llaughing Llamas
August 2023, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas

By Daniel Hooker A man goes to Australia after meeting a U.S. couple that shared tales of a town in the Outback called “Life.” The town had a tea called Koala that had rejuvenating properties. It took a week’s worth of travel with buses and jeeps to get to the town. Once the man arrived,…

Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

By Daniel Hooker A friend of mine is about to become a Catholic, and he told me he was starting to study the catechisms. And it just popped into my head: “What chases a catechism? – A dogma.” A friend said to me, “You really ought to do stand up comedy!”I answered, “At my age,…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Entertainment, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

By Daniel Hooker Al Pacino has taken up knitting for his new movie. Scarf Face. ~ From my landlady, Lynn Simpson Dear Parents, You have to be aware of your children’s balanced diet, because if they eat a box of granola in the morning, they might turn out to be cereal killers!

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