By Anne Cotter Moses Math Puzzle by Anne Cotter Moses
Llaughing Llamas Chronicles – September
By Daniel Hooker From Pam: Q. What should you do if you overdose on seaweed? A. Seek kelp. ~ My editor wants all my jokes to be pc. But I don’t even own a pc. ~ Did you hear that the Swedish Navy has put bar codes on the bows of all their ships? Yes,…
Llaughing Llamas Chronicles – August
Q. You want to know what the longest word in the English language is? A. Smiles! The first and the last letter are a mile apart. ~ Q. What do you call a retired cowboy who is too crazy to go out on the trail anymore? A. De-ranged! ~ If a priest gets defrocked, shouldn’t…
Llaughing Llamas – July
By Daniel Hooker I had an experience at the Senior Center many years ago. Carl, a deaf man, was telling a joke. As he walked around the room, all you could hear was the punch line, “Dam! Dam! Dam!” The expressions on the elderly ladies were precious. They thought he had lost his mind. Finally,…