When I smell the Ponderosa Pine needles baking in the summer sun, I feel a deep warmth in my belly. I feel a sense of homeliness akin to sitting in front of a fire with a cup of coffee. Growing up, I found a home in the wild. The wild home that Merriam Websters defines…
Animals for Sale
Scroll down for pictures… African Guinea Fowl Keets Sebastopol Goose & Gander Breeding Pair (Must Take Both) And below, we have Nigerian Dwarf Goats!
Finn and The Salmon Of Wisdom
A retelling of an Irish mythIllustration above by Jane Valencia Here on Vashon Island, now is the time that the salmon return home after long years in the ocean. Up streams and rivers they swim and leap and lunge, taking in deep scents of the waters along the way, smells that reach into their beginnings…
Lemon Dijon Vinaigrette Carrot Salad
This year, I’ve been obsessed with learning to make side dishes that capture the aromatic, vitamin C-infused flavors of summer. I’m talking about the kinds of tastes that just explode in your mouth, that also happen to have great texture, and that you yearn to experience during the autumn and winter. This grated carrot salad…
The Dorsal Spin: Indigeneity
The COVID-19 lockdown brought into sharp focus our intergenerational trauma – emotional and spiritual baggage habitually restrained in “normal” times. We dove deep into our Indigeneity. Our thoughts turned to our First Nations ancestors who endured countless pandemics inflicted on them by colonization, the federal government, and the military. Would we survive this novel coronavirus?…
Land Acknowledgment – Salmon Return
Welcome back, dear Salmon! We celebrate your return to our Island. We honor the end and beginning of your life cycle, and the wonder of your transformation. You feed the waters and forest, the creatures of sea, land, and air, as well as us humans You nourish our bodies, brains, and imagination, our spirits and…
Code of Ethics in Action
Reflections on the SPJ Code of Ethics As a receiver of information, a reader of newspapers, a browser of magazines, a participant in social media platforms, a subscriber on YouTube, Rumble, Substack (and other platforms), a listener of radio shows and an all-around consumer of media … what does honesty look like to you? Isn’t…
Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
This morning, I was trimming my mustache and soul patch. I almost went too far, which would have given me a Noel Coward mustache. Fortunately, I stopped just in time. After all, I didn’t want to look cowardly. The good news is, I’m looking in like Flynn! On another note: Curatives! – Letting go of…
The Roasterie – Coffee’s Long Road
Coffee is a labor-intensive crop, grown in some of the most economically marginalized and environmentally sensitive regions of the world. The life of not only the plants themselves, but also of the farmers, the pickers, and their families and communities, are vulnerable to rapid changes in political and economic challenges, as well as the ever-increasing…
Big Changes at Vashon’s Pub
By Andy Valencia We moved onto Vashon more than 20 years ago, and although there were occupants in Vashon Village, most times when I walked through, the feeling I got was “ghost town.” Eleven years ago, Cliff Goodman established himself as a local brewer whose products eventually made their way onto the ferries and to…