Stephen Buller

Gold, Bitcoin, Money, and Currency
Island Resilience, March 2024

Gold, Bitcoin, Money, and Currency

By Stephen Buller “Gold is money. Everything else is credit.” – John Pierpont Morgan  Regarding money, it would be wise to listen to the words of the founder of the largest bank on the planet, but I doubt he could imagine the world we live in today. Did Mr. Morgan simply lack the perspective to…

August 2023, Commentary

What Is Money?

By Stephen Buller In my previous article, we discussed how you can give more of your hard-earned money to your neighbors when shopping at local businesses by avoiding credit card fees. We also touched on the reasons the banks want you to use credit cards – spoiler: they profit.  Now, let’s look at some other…

Island Voices

Is Free Money Free?

By Stephen Buller Continuing with the “Cash on Vashon” concept, this article will get to the heart of why so many people use credit cards, namely the rewards. We’ll look at the incentive this creates, why it’s okay for you to get that cash back, and how you can consciously choose when your reward is…