The blessings of flowers cheers us immensely, but kerchoo! Their pollen has us sneezing our heads off! What can we do? Plenty, really. Nature provides antihistamines. Nettles can sting you, but also provide an antihistamine, so make nettle soup! Take a paper bag and scissors, find a roadside rife with nettles, or a patch of…
The Unadulterated, True Story … Of Nutrition
Welcome back as I continue to weave the tale about our precious human bodies. What we ingest and how we ingest it makes all the difference.In our exploration of extraordinary bodies, we must assess what we ingest. Do we really know what we are eating? Here is why: America’s farming soils are depleted of 85%…
The Unadulterated, True Story … of Water
By Tracey Stover Bear with me as I weave an inspiring tale about the miracle of water that you are. As we explore how extraordinary our bodies are, we can then access these amazing vehicles, and engage with all we are inspired to do. Oxygen plays an essential role, ranging from supporting the body’s metabolic processes,…
Yes! Supplement With Vitamin D To Protect From COVID-19
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, or any climate that goes relatively sunless over winter, it’s important to think about vitamin D. For half the year, your body synthesizes vitamin D, thanks to the sun. But that changes in the winter, thanks to gray skies and less daylight. This winter gap is a problem,…
Grief Literacy – Start With Yourself
Two different experiences brought me to today’s column topic. First, I remember reading a poet’s work, after the death of one of his parents, about the surprise of learning there is a whole world of grief support, materials, and organizations. Second, in my own grief experience, I at first thought we had to create what…
Kitchen Medicine – Consider Trees
Marj remembers a Sitka spruce, on the ridge above the Siletz River in Oregon where she grew up, as sacred to the indigenous coastal people who lived in the Siletz Valley. Marj says, “When I was a girl, we had many Indian friends. I was told that sick Indians would climb up to the spruce…
The Unadulterated, True Story …
Bear with me as I weave an inspiring tale about the miracle of you and your body. Books are overflowing with strange stories of ordinary people achieving extraordinary feats of self-healing, endurance, and dignity, in the face of extreme harshness. When we are committed – passionate – we source from deep within, and transform the impossible into the possible. Every one of us is talented,…
The Problem With Anti-Lectin Diets
Lectin-free diets seem to come and go with some regularity. At present, Dr. Steven Gundry’s “Plant Paradox” is the most popular version. Anti-lectin diets urge people to stop eating all grains, legumes, and nightshades. They claim that these specific foods contain lectins, a type of protein that binds sugars and can cause cells to stick…
Turn Off the Stress, Breathe Deeply
After two years of pandemic stress, lockdowns, and mask wearing, most people are breathing shallow, contracted breaths. This is what happens under extreme stress. Pre-pandemic, the average person accessed 20-40% of their breath capacity, depending on whether they held trauma or were managing daily life stressors. Can you imagine what it is like now? It…
Masks For All Doesn’t Work – A Practical Dilemma
Respiratory diseases are surging again, and there is disagreement about what we should do in terms of masking. Some people are masking when they go out, some are no longer masking, and some would like everyone to wear a mask. There’s been no answer that makes sense for everyone, and this puts us all at…