I Can See Now … the Pane is Gone
Island Voices, June 2024

I Can See Now … the Pane is Gone

By Seán Malone and John Sweetman “Hey! That Western gray squirrel is back!” And sure enough, that troublemaker was back pestering the Douglas squirrel, and we had a protective obligation to the native rodent versus the invasive Western gray bully type, that ate a lot of Seán’s birdseed for his wild birds, which the squirrels…

Coon Tales
June 2024, Legends of Vashon

Coon Tales

By Orin Edwards Growing up, my family kept chickens. Most everybody did in those days, it was considered normal. Just part of being here. Of course, you could also get store-bought eggs from up at the grocery. White for Easter, for dyeing and decorating. Mother could make them look like jewels. We kept our flock to…

Fight Inflation Locally with CSAs
Island Resilience, June 2024

Fight Inflation Locally with CSAs

By Stephen Buller The official annual rate of inflation reported in April 2024 was 3.36%. That word “official” usually gives credibility to facts and figures, but if you know anything about inflation, you know the opposite holds true here. The consumer price index (CPI) tracks “a chosen basket of goods and services.” Chosen by whom?…

Editorial Page, June 2024


There’s a joke going around that, in 2004, you had to be a computer wizard to find what you wanted on the internet. In 2014, anybody could do it. In 2024, we’re back to only computer wizards finding what they want. What happened? My list of culprits would include click farms, search engine rigging, and…

Clothing Drive: A Hand Up
Island Voices, June 2024

Clothing Drive: A Hand Up

By Daniel Hooker Two Stories. A young woman, maybe 35 years old, came to the table. “Do you have any formal dress clothes? I just got a job. It starts tomorrow.” She went on to explain that, in Seattle, someone had broken into her car and stolen all her clothes and shoes. She was nine…

Update on Planned PSE Upgrades
Island Resilience, June 2024

Update on Planned PSE Upgrades

By Caitlin Rothermel In February 2024 in The Vashon Loop, Jenny Bell reported on Puget Sound Energy’s “tree wire” project, a PSE program working to clear roadside vegetation and upgrade Vashon’s power infrastructure. “Tree wire” is sturdy and well-insulated, and considered likely to fare well in storms, resist tree falls, and reduce the need for frequent…

Dehydrated Egg Powder Recipe
Island Resilience, June 2024, Recipes

Dehydrated Egg Powder Recipe

By Lyndsey Braun-Palmer Everything spring-like is springing into action, including egg production! I’d like to introduce a favorite method for creating shelf-stable eggs – dehydration! Dehydrating eggs when you are producing more than you need is a great way to store this food essential for future use. Here’s my step-by-step guide. Ingredients Fresh eggs Instructions…

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