Staying Healthy With the Seasons
Island Voices

Staying Healthy With the Seasons

By Emilia Flor

We are in the time of Winter, Rest, Earth, North, Elderhood.

Elson M. Haas, M.D. wrote the book, “Staying Healthy with the Seasons.” I was drawn to this knowledge in the 90s, and Haas’s book was very influential on my learning journey.  The insights he shared resonated with my inner knowing, and enlivened my passion for health and wellness.

This book shows how nature affects not only the outside climate, but our internal health and mental well-being. It revolutionized the fields of preventive and integrated medicine, and introduced a seasonal approach to nutrition, disease prevention, and mind-and-body fitness.

I took a deep dive into the experiential wisdom that Haas shared. Since finding Dr. Haas’s book, I also have received perspectives from many teachers and been introduced to numerous schools of thought around health and wellness. The topic of staying healthy with the seasons has remained the constant thread of “knowing” throughout my life. I am passionate about eating local and seasonal. In the Pacific Northwest, we are very fortunate to have an abundance of food available seasonally, even in the winter, give thanks.

I would like to continue to share seasonal health tips here and wanted to acknowledge where the title of my sharings originated.

Hydration Tip and Recipe

Proper hydration is critical for good health. Water makes up 55-60% of our bodies, and is responsible for a whole host of processes from flushing toxins and moistening oxygen for easier breathing, to transporting nutrients within cells and maintaining the normal electrical properties of cells. It’s also vital to the body’s natural healing processes.

But water isn’t the only part of the hydration equation: Electrolytes play a key role. An excellent healthy electrolyte is one-half of a lemon or lime, juiced in 8 oz of water, with a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt. I recommend this 3 times per day. 

Once a month, I will be offering more in-depth wellness information at the new the WE Sessions from “Women Hold the Key.” All sessions will be held at at Synergy Vashon. January’s topic will be staying hydrated in the winter, and other winter renewal suggestions that are easy to implement into our routines.

Join us on January 19, 2023, from 12:00-1:00 PM, at our Lunch and Learn, “Staying Healthy With the Season: A Dive Into Winter Hydration” – 17600 Vashon Hwy SW, Suite 105. Contact: Tina Shattuck at (206) 898-3093 (text is best), or email:

Let me see the beauty every day and source my life from its presence.

January 9, 2023

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