
From the Roasterie – Coffee World

The production time for really good coffee that is properly aged, fermented, and dried is 30% to 50% lower than most modern varieties on the market today, with preparation at least triple the time.

Harvesting only when the coffee is ripe means passing through a farm up to five times a year, which is long and costly. But the result is worth it. So worth it that now the roaster and consumer have a huge responsibility to handle the product with care and preserve the flavors put in the coffee by Mother Nature.

The coffee, enhanced by production at the farms, should be stored, cool and dry, then roasted to develop the coffee flavor, not to mask it with a roasted flavor. It needs to be brewed properly with the water temperature correct, the grind just right, dosed heavy, and brewed for the right amount of time, whether with French press or Melitta filter and heating your own water. It’s messy, and let’s face it, time-consuming. Maybe it’s not for every day. Just like this valuable coffee, it’s a treat. Enjoy!

April 7, 2023

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