Eva Deloach

Advertisers, May 2024

From the Roasterie – Lady of the Mountain

By Eva Deloach Today we share the fascinating story behind one of our most cherished single-origin coffees: Lady Of The Mountain. Imagine a blend of beautifully fermented beans – light, crisp, and refreshing – with a buzz of wild honey infused with the scent of cypress. This coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s…

From the Roasterie – April
Advertisers, April 2024

From the Roasterie – April

By Eva DeLoach The beans we cherish most come from older varietals grown in high mountain altitudes, where they thrive without the use of pesticides. Here, the coffee plants are allowed to adapt naturally to their environment, resulting in beans infused with deep, complex flavors. But it’s not just the growing conditions that contribute to…

From the Roasterie at Minglement
Advertisers, September 2023

From the Roasterie at Minglement

Coffee is a labor-intensive crop grown in some of the most economically marginalized and environmentally sensitive regions of the world. The life of not only the plants themselves, but also of the farmers, the pickers, and their families and communities, are vulnerable to rapid political changes and economic challenges, as well as the ever-increasing unpredictability…

Advertisers, August 2023

Minglement for August

The fruit and berry season is in full swing now and making bubbly refreshing shrubs to make it through the hotter days ahead will be a delight. Here is my recipe that I use for most things shrubs, and of course you may have your own twist, too!  It’s easy and the shrub mixture should…


From the Roasterie

“The coffee flavor manifests its characteristics through the land, the elements, and from the hearts of the people all along its way.” – Eva Within the coffee industry, there are many ways to describe the flavors of coffee. Hints of caramel, chocolate, or wine. Undertones of nuts, figs, or flowers. These fancy descriptors cannot capture…

Minglement – Probiotic Asparagus Recipe
Advertisers, Recipes

Minglement – Probiotic Asparagus Recipe

1 bunch of washed asparagus, approximately 15 spears, woody ends trimmed. Medium-thickness asparagus spears with roughly the same circumference work best in this recipe.1 tablespoon yellow mustard seed1 bay leaf1 whole clove of garlic, peeled2 cups brine (1 tablespoon of coarse or sea salt, dissolved into 2 cups of room-temperature water)1-quart Mason jar Yield: This…

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