Month: August, 2024

Time to Underground Our Lines?
August 2024, News

Time to Underground Our Lines?

PSE’s Planned “Blackouts” in Wildfire Season Will Shut Off Our Water By Jenny Bell Have you heard? Our utility company, Puget Sound Energy, is planning community-wide “PSPS” (Public Safety Power Shutoffs) or “blackouts” that PSE will use on Island “During high-risk wildfire conditions … shutting off power lines to help prevent wildfires from starting.”  These outages may…

August 2024, Commentary, Island Voices

As Bob Dylan Said …

By Dr. Steven Nourse As Bob Dylan said, “Everybody has to serve someone.” Regarding the Vashon Health Care District, it has to effectively serve both the healthcare clients it provides funding to and the taxpayers that pay its bills. Several years ago, when healthcare on Vashon was in crisis, I was approached by two now-former…

CowExist III
August 2024, Literary

CowExist III

By Marc J. Elzenbeck “All creatures great and small,All things bright and beautiful;All things wise and wonderful,The Lord God made them all.” Sipping a second cup of coffee at around 10:00 a.m., the phone rang. The caller said, “So, your cow. She wrecked my truck.” Stronger words may have been used. Bottom line, our girl…

Using Evil to Win Arguments
August 2024, Commentary, Editorial Page

Using Evil to Win Arguments

By Andy Valencia In college, a friend of mine periodically ran a game called “Assassin.” None of the players knew each other, and all were paired up: one target, one assassin. You were “assassinated” with a chalk mark, and the target could defend with chalk-filled small cloth bags. The rules favored the target once they…

August 2024, Editorial Page

What’s the Way to Talk to the VHCD?

If you have input for Vashon Health Care District, here’s how to share it By Caitlin Rothermel In this issue of The Vashon Loop, Islander Steven Nourse gives his opinion on the Vashon Health Care District’s new budgetary priorities. This article is an extended version of Steve’s comments that were presented to the Vashon-Maury Community Council on…

Summer Gifts
August 2024, Island Voices

Summer Gifts

By Michael Shook As I write this, first spring and now summer have unfolded in a lovely manner. June was a delight, with some sunny days breaking up the deliciously cool and cloudy ones that were at times even a bit moist. The rhododendrons both on the Island and off seem to have bloomed particularly…

Vashon Concerts in the Park 2024!
Announcements, August 2024

Vashon Concerts in the Park 2024!

By Pete Welch The Vashon Park District is excited to bring back Concerts in the Park this year in collaboration with Vashon Events. Join us every Thursday night in August from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM for a delightful evening of music. Concerts in the Park is a family-friendly event series that gathers the community for…

Announcements, August 2024

Oneness Center Events

Every Monday in August, 5, 12, 19, and 26, please join our Spiritual Book Club at the Vashon Oneness Center, where we just celebrated our first year in operation in July. We will meet from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Mondays at the Vashon Methodist Church, to share “The Four Sacred Secrets for Love and Prosperity, A…

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