Carla DeCrona

Carla DeCrona’s Lyrical Poetic Moments

Carla DeCrona’s Lyrical Poetic Moments

My Mom was a lifelong writer, artist, musician and wonder-filled being. Before her transition to the life that comes next, she was blessed with the opportunity to go through all of her diaries. Boxes and boxes of them. The vast majority, dating as far back as her early 20’s, she released. A few, she kept,…

Poetry By Carla Dawn DeCrona

Poetry By Carla Dawn DeCrona

Around dawn, on Tuesday, January 3rd, Carla Dawn DeCrona completed her transition from this reality into the next. As her friends here on our Island and abroad learn of her passage forward, almost all have remarked upon the light my mother brought into this world. She was as bright in spirit as the glorious, sky…


Rain Music

The melodies of tree rain are magical from the dull, droning Chinese water torture tunes to the scintillating syncopation of penthouse jazz and back street blues to the jaunty Harlem tap dance  or the trotting gait of a Gaelic hornpipe The rain dances of the great trees are pure, sublime magic