By Mickey Fontaine This article continues the topic of young adults entering our work force. Read Part 1 here. We next talked with John, who highlighted the huge amount of pressure that we put on students to decide their career path: “The system isn’t tailored well to people with doubts. Right as you become financially…
Island Voices
Entering the Workforce – Part 1
By Mickey Fontaine College is a big decision, and it can have big consequences. Although it can create new opportunities, it can also close off doors later in life. It is very expensive, and debt can have a huge impact on your long-term financial stability, making it very hard to change the course of your…
Island Voices
Student Debt
Tuition loans have more than doubled in the last two decades, causing a myriad of problems for our country’s economy. And worst of all, a majority of this burden is held by people 20 to 30 years of age, a time in one’s life that should not be spent at the mercy of unpayable debts….