Editorial Page

Commentary, Editorial Page


Feckless: Lacking initiative or strength of character; weak or ineffective. In a whirlwind of public policy, which you may have missed, Redmond was the sudden recipient of a new homeless center; by the time most citizens knew of the project, it was already an accomplished fact. The center was originally intended for Kenmore, but the…

Editorial Page, February 2024

Big Moves in Northwest Print Media

How does Canada impact our local media? Canada-based corporation Black Press (named after the Black family, currently headed by David Black) has filed for creditor protection in British Columbia, and plans to file a comparable request in Delaware for its U.S.-based operations. Black Press is the current owner of Sound Publishing, which owns 43 newspapers…

Team Osprey
Editorial Page, January 2024

Team Osprey

By the Vashon Loop Editorial Board At The Vashon Loop, it is hard for us to not take certain issues very seriously these days – that’s because these are serious times. Last year, The Loop took the opportunity to dive deep into the structures of several local administrative organizations. The experience was so eye-opening that…

Olympia Set to Appoint “Rubber Barons”
Editorial Page, January 2024

Olympia Set to Appoint “Rubber Barons”

By Marc J. Elzenbeck Washington State is eager to further cut carbon emissions. To that end, it’s anticipated to pass a law requiring residents to buy ultra-low rolling resistance tires when replacing original (OEM) equipment. Officials promise this will save hundreds per driver in fuel costs. This is true. For a given car or light…

Making a Living Without a Degree
Commentary, Editorial Page, January 2024

Making a Living Without a Degree

By Andy Valencia My last article provided a strongly negative take on college. It wasn’t fair or balanced, because pretty much everything else you’ll read concerning college will tell you that, unless you buy a college degree, you’ll die disfigured and alone in a gutter somewhere. Before you reach your mid-twenties, most likely. Read anything…

Commentary, Editorial Page, November 2023

Does College Still Make Sense?

By Andy Valencia It’s hardly worth printing as news: college is horrendously expensive. Over the span of my life, its price has doubled several times. When making financial decisions, there’s the useful concept of cost versus benefit. You spend a certain amount of, say, money. And in return you receive something of a certain value….

A Mousetrap for Billionaires
Editorial Page, October 2023

A Mousetrap for Billionaires

By Caitlin Rothermel It’s a serious sign of how culturally messed up we are that we so often defer to experts – sometimes even refusing to take advice from anyone who’s not an expert – while allowing wealthy generalists to claim they have real expertise across a number of areas.  This is a big-picture problem…

Health Disclaimer
Editorial Page, Health Matters, October 2023

Health Disclaimer

By Caitlin Rothermel Last month, the Loop Editorial Board reviewed and updated the “Health Disclaimer” run in every issue. We made changes based on input from a writer who pointed out that its language – applied to be legally protective, and typical of what you would see in a health disclaimer – was actually off-putting…

Editorial Page, September 2023

Now and Then

By Jane Valencia Autumn is in the air, apples are ripening. Kids are back in school, and we resume activity with renewed focus and will. As we anticipate the approach of cold and flu season, nurturing one’s immune health is, as always, a practical path. As one may expect, talk has resurged about COVID. Is…

Editorial Page, September 2023

Here We Go Again?

By Andy Valencia We’ve heard our president announce new funding for new COVID vaccines. Our local media includes a triumphant study of how Vashon did during the pandemic of recent memory. The general tone was that the world can learn from our success. We’re told the COVID storm clouds are gathering. We look at the…

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