Editorial Page

Are Our Students Being Heard?
Editorial Page

Are Our Students Being Heard?

Our society champions the “freedom to love who you wish” with great consistency. The movie “Loving” portrays the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, a couple whose arrest for interracial marriage in 1960s Virginia began a legal battle that would end with a historic Supreme Court decision in 1967. The documentary film, “The Case Against…

Coyote Solution in the Works
Editorial Page

Coyote Solution in the Works

Local experts, inspired by Yellowstone National Park, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, have formulated an innovative plan to simultaneously curb Vashon Island’s growing coyote and deer populations. “These intelligent and adaptable animals now manage to occupy almost every conceivable habitat type, from…

Evolution of a Gun Owner
Editorial Page

Evolution of a Gun Owner

The path leading to my first gun purchase has been long. It began in the summer of 1992. I was a young, healthy, and carefree college student, riding my bike along the American River Bike Trail in Sacramento, CA every day, to and from college, work, and just for the fun of it. Until the…

Lessons of a Throwaway Bill (HB 1814)
Editorial Page

Lessons of a Throwaway Bill (HB 1814)

Centuries ago, when the colonists decided to throw off the yoke of British control, they were faced with a monumental task. Create, seemingly from scratch, a new government system that might serve the interests of the people better than most or all previous attempts. Of course, the founding families and their supporters didn’t pull ideas…

Terms of Concern – “That Doesn’t Poll Well”
Editorial Page

Terms of Concern – “That Doesn’t Poll Well”

Given the age demographics of Vashon-Maury Island, a considerable number of us grew up during a time when “trust in polls” was high. For decades, “exit polls” were especially accurate, with a nearly 100% accuracy rate when compared to actual election results. Then, things changed. It’s universally acknowledged that polling results failed miserably during the…

Editorial Page

You Make a Difference

We at The Vashon Loop thank those of you who keep us in print: our advertisers, our paid Substack subscribers, our amazing contributors, and supporters who send us checks in the mail. You make it possible for The Loop to thrive as an independent community newspaper. Want to help keep The Loop free for all?…

Editorial Page

HB 1814 – What’s the Real Story?

In January and February 2023, rumors began to circulate. A proposal was afoot! The goal? Rehiring Washington state employees lost due to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. On the Jason Rantz Show (Conservative Talk Radio 770 KTTH), King County Councilmember Reagan Dunn stressed the need to “rehire” King County employees lost to vaccination mandates. He’s standing on…

Don’t Go it Alone – Build Community Resilience
Editorial Page

Don’t Go it Alone – Build Community Resilience

Photo by Julian Dahl. Used with permission. Several of us were out on the land, picking out microplastics from the compost-laden field (see “Plastics in the Soil” on page x). Our friends had put out a call the day before that they needed help, and here we were, on a beautiful almost-spring morning, plastic bags…

Editorial Page

Code of Conduct

The United States of America was founded on a set of agreements and goals that were unique in their time, and remain unique today. As of Monday, February 27th, only 336,142,103 humans enjoy the protections of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which specifies our individual rights in relationship to our government. Such…

Terms of Concern
Editorial Page, Terms of Concern

Terms of Concern

Totalitarianism is a form of government / political system that prohibits opposition, outlaws individual and group challenges to state-sponsored claims, suppresses free speech, freedom of movement, and freedom of philosophical beliefs / religion, exerting excessive control and regulation over public and private life. How do we recognize a totalitarian state in the making? Answers to…

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