By Anne Cotter Moses
Llaughing Llamas – July
By Daniel Hooker I had an experience at the Senior Center many years ago. Carl, a deaf man, was telling a joke. As he walked around the room, all you could hear was the punch line, “Dam! Dam! Dam!” The expressions on the elderly ladies were precious. They thought he had lost his mind. Finally,…
Llaughing Llamas – June
By Daniel Hooker Q: What do you call a paper airplane that can’t fly? A: Stationery! ~ I bought a new thesaurus, and all the pages were blank. I was left without a word. I thought that joke was funny, so I told it to two young people in their twenties. They asked me what…
The Observant Frog’s Log
By Alex Soriano The Observant Frog’s Log – by Alex Soriano
Llaughing Llamas Chronicles – May
By Daniel Hooker From Steven at the Vashon Library: By mistake, I swallowed some disappearing ink and had to go to the hospital. I had to wait to be seen. ~ Q: Why do cows have bells? A: Because their horns don’t work. ~ From Thalia at Granny’s Attic: Q: Where do they milk camels…