Announcements, Editorial Page, July 2024

Being a Reader and Writer for The Loop

Two years ago, in a garden, a wish arose to provide a print space for community conversation and the sharing of ideas. “The Vashon Loop” lay fallow. Perhaps we could relaunch it? Long story short, the rebooted Loop is nearing its two-year anniversary. We thank our readers, writers, advertisers, and financial supporters for making these pages possible!

In our first issue, we stated:

“There’s a reason that we’re all here on this Island: and that reason is positive and compellingWe invite you to bring your generous heart and questing mind to these pages.

We don’t expect readers to agree or align with all that is written in The Vashon Loop, and some content may be challenging. Our purpose instead is to inspire or enlarge conversation, engage in honest inquiry, share Island voices, and to grow as a community that problem-solves together and appreciates one another.

In addition to the diversity of our viewpoints and lifestyles, we Islanders literally share common ground. The mixed ecology of our Island delights and surprises us. It activates us to look and listen, and to lean in to discover more about who or what is before us. The Island nourishes.

Every day, in small and large ways, our Island community nourishes as well.

Amidst the frictions and disagreements, and the gales and winds of the world, may we find ways to navigate together and be delighted by one another. Ultimately, this is a mission that The Loop exists to serve.

Write for The Loop

Our Island voices are truly valuable.

We are looking for contributions no longer than 700 words on various topics related to Island life, community resilience, our connections to the larger world, Island heritage and nature, challenges of our times and how they affect us, as well as possible strategies and solutions, and so much more.

Before writing and submitting your article, please read “Write for the Loop” on Note our deadlines, and be sure to review our Editorial Guidelines. We encourage you to inquire first (at regarding your idea. We look forward to hearing from you.

July 9, 2024

About Author

loopeditor Writings and other postings by the Vashon Loop Editors