Classic Flan (With a Twist)
August 2024, Recipes

Classic Flan (With a Twist)

By Cynthia Sadurni

There are many versions of this classic dessert. Custard came to the new world via the Spanish Conquest and then transformed into the sweet, caramel-rich dessert we know today in the Americas.

I have heard often that this dessert is finicky and difficult. Nothing could be further from the truth. With a little magic extra ingredient (enter cream cheese), you can achieve a delicious dessert with a creamy and smooth texture. One word of caution – be careful when handling the hot caramel.

I learned this method of making flan from a magazine in Mexico. I’ve been using it for a long time with great results. It is my hope that you will enjoy it as much as I!

Instructions and Ingredients

You will need a deep turkey pan filled ⅓ of the way with water to use as the bain-marie. This needs to preheat at the same time as the oven. Just place it inside.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

For the caramel:

– 1 cup sugar

– 1 tbsp water

In a small pot, mix the sugar and the water. It is important not to stir from this moment on. Place on medium-high heat until you see the sugar begin to bubble. Once this happens, bring the heat to low and wait until the mixture is melted and turns a light amber color. You have to watch it like a hawk, as it goes from yummy caramel to burnt sugar pretty fast.

Making sure you handle the pot carefully, pour the liquid into an 8 by 8-inch baking pan (I always use a baking pan made of tempered glass, but that is optional). Coat the bottom and the sides of the baking pan with the liquid.

Or, you can use individual ramekins and pour a bit of mixture in each one, making sure the caramel coats the bottom. You have to work fast, as it sets quickly.

Once done, set it aside for now, to let it cool. 

For the custard:

– 6 whole fresh eggs

– 1 can condensed milk

– 1 can evaporated milk

– 1 or 2 tbsp good vanilla (if you can find Mexican vanilla, even better!)

– 4 oz cream cheese

Place all in a blender and blend until smooth. It’s OK for it to have bubbles. They will go away once it cooks. Pour over the baking pan with the caramel. Cover with aluminum foil and carefully place inside the bain-marie.

Bake for about 45 minutes, then carefully check the center with a toothpick. It should be firm, but still have a light wiggle. If not yet set, leave in 15 more minutes, and check again. Repeat until done.

Take out of the oven and let it sit on a cooling rack. Once it’s lukewarm, place in the refrigerator and cool completely. It’s better to prepare this overnight, as the caramel will dissolve and mix a bit with the custard.

August 7, 2024

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