Fire Season – Plants to the Rescue!
Health Matters, July 2024

Fire Season – Plants to the Rescue!

By Jane Valencia

Summer wild fires have become more common in recent years. Whether we’re traveling through areas where fires are raging, or encounter smoke billowing over our Island from elsewhere, poor air quality can irritate and inflame our bodies in many ways. Luckily, plants abound that can help. Here are some of my favorites for soothing lungs, eyes, and heart during smoky times.

Top on my list is marshmallow (Althea officinalis) root, flower, and leaf. Marshmallow, the original source of the popular campfire confection, is high in polysaccharides, a mucilage that cools, coats, nourishes, and repairs inflamed mucous membrane tissues. You can purchase marshmallow root in any health food store that sells herbs in bulk, such as at Minglement here on our Island, or you can seek out other mallow (Malvaceae) family plants that have similar properties. Use common mallow (Malva neglecta), which grows as a weed, or use garden flower favorite, hollyhock (Althea rosea).

Keep in mind common sense practices for harvesting: Avoid any plants that may have been sprayed with chemicals, are close to roadsides and contaminated areas, or lie underfoot.  

Please note: If you are taking medications orally, you may want to take them 1-2 hours before or after drinking marshmallow, as some professionals believe the mucilage in marshmallow may temporarily decrease absorption of the medications.

Other mucilaginous and cooling plants you could use are violet (Viola spp.) – yes, your garden Johnny Jump Ups can be fine!) leaf and flower, and heal-all (Prunella vulgaris) leaf and flower. Note that the best way to extract the mucilage contained in these plants, or in the mallow family plants listed above, is to prepare them via cold infusion. That is, let the plant material sit in cool water – flowers and leaves for 2-3 hours, and roots for 4-6 hours or overnight, then strain and drink.

I also turn to my other plant allies for soothing and healing mucous membranes (bronchial and gut). Children who learn about herbs for first aid invariably learn about plantain (Plantago spp.) and calendula (Calendula officinalis) – both of which are vulnerary (wound healing), cool inflammation, and offer other healing gifts. As with the mucilaginous plants, both of these plants are superb allies when our lungs are irritated, or when we find ourselves inflamed in other ways (our gut, for instance). Use the leaf of plantain, and the whole flowering head of calendula. Note that an important medicinal concentration within calendula is found in the resinous bracts, contained in the green base of the flower. If you only work with the petals, you’re missing out on some potent goodness!

Please note that if you are allergic to any members of the aster (Asteraceae) family (such as chamomile, echinacea, etc.), you may be better off avoiding calendula.

Lesser known as a wound healer, but also a great ally, is rose. Rose works a little differently. As an aromatic and astringent (tissue-tonifying) plant, it cools and calms our inner ecology and mind. If you’re feeling anxious, irritated, or grief-stricken by the assault of smoke, or destruction caused by fire, or even due to “fiery” human nature concerns, include rose petals (the more aromatic the better) in your beverages. On its own, rose can be drying, so combine it with one or more of the other herbs mentioned here.

Plantain, calendula, and rose can all be prepared as either a cold infusion or as a tea. As a hot medicinal tea, use 1-2 tsps of the dried plant or 1-2 tbsps fresh per 8 oz cup, and let steep in just-boiled water for 15-20 minutes. Press the herbs with the back of the spoon to include some final medicinal extraction.

For eye irritation, you can splash cooled rose, calendula, and/or plantain filtered tea in your eyes, or for a calming treat, you can purchase rose hydrosol. When too much smoke has me down, I like to spray rose hydrosol in my face – a refreshing mist that soothes both eyes and spirit.

One last herb: if poor air quality for days on end has taken a toll on your lungs, turn to mullein, a superb tonifier of the respiratory system. To make a nourishing infusion, fill a quart jar a quarter way with mullein leaf, then fill the jar with just-boiled water, and let sit for 2-3 hours. Important next step: filter the liquid through a coffee filter. This is absolutely essential, as mullein contains tiny hairs that can irritate the throat – not what you want to drink when you’re trying to heal your bronchial passages!

Combine any of the plants listed above into a tea, and feel free to include others, such as mint or kitchen spices (ginger, cinnamon, etc) for flavor and their own healing properties.

When wildfires rage, stay cool. Soothe and replenish your body and spirit by turning to our green neighbors, the plants!

Further Reading:

Rebecca Altmann, “Wildfire smoke and Our Bodies.”

Rosalee de la Forest, “The Marshmallow Herb” and “Plantain Herb” and “Calendula Benefits”

Juliet Blankespoor, “Calendula, Sunshine Incarnate: an Edible and Medicinal Flower”

Kiva Rose Hardin, “Three Faces Under a Hood: the Many Aspects of Violet..”

Kiva Rose Hardin, “Wildfire Related Smoke Inhalation: Prevention and Herbal Therapeutics”

July 9, 2024

About Author

jane Jane writes about what it means to be an Islander, and how we can nourish healthy community. A harper, storyteller, and herbalist, she also shares tales and art that she is sure the Island told her. Having lived with her family on Vashon for 20+ years, she is convinced of the Island's magic.