By Daniel Hooker
I had an experience at the Senior Center many years ago. Carl, a deaf man, was telling a joke.
As he walked around the room, all you could hear was the punch line, “Dam! Dam! Dam!”
The expressions on the elderly ladies were precious. They thought he had lost his mind.
Finally, Carl came around and told me the joke.
Q: What did the fish say when it hit the wall?
A: Dam!
Gordo, who was a familiar at Granny’s Attic, and always wore a hat, was crossing underneath the trees between the IGA parking lot and going towards the post office.
As his hat got knocked off, I said, “Gordo, you need to take up the formal Brazilian martial art, capo-weara!” (Capoeira)
My friend Brian Hildebrand was given a Chevy Volt. I said, “That’s a nice car. When you’re recharging it, are you re-volting, Brian?”
I told my girlfriend I could build a car out of spaghetti.
You should have seen her face as I drove past-a.
Q: Why are elevator jokes so funny?
A: They work on so many levels.