Caitlin Rothermel

Cabbage Salad with Warm Shallot Vinaigrette
February 2024, Recipes

Cabbage Salad with Warm Shallot Vinaigrette

By Caitlin Rothermel When we first moved to Vashon, we had the pleasure of working with Len Wolff, one of the most professional and responsive realtors on the Island. Recently, Len and his wife Nancy started a new venture with the magazine, “Good To Be Home,” which is how I first came across this recipe. …

Team Osprey
Editorial Page, January 2024

Team Osprey

By the Vashon Loop Editorial Board At The Vashon Loop, it is hard for us to not take certain issues very seriously these days – that’s because these are serious times. Last year, The Loop took the opportunity to dive deep into the structures of several local administrative organizations. The experience was so eye-opening that…

A Mousetrap for Billionaires
Editorial Page, October 2023

A Mousetrap for Billionaires

By Caitlin Rothermel It’s a serious sign of how culturally messed up we are that we so often defer to experts – sometimes even refusing to take advice from anyone who’s not an expert – while allowing wealthy generalists to claim they have real expertise across a number of areas.  This is a big-picture problem…

Health Disclaimer
Editorial Page, Health Matters, October 2023

Health Disclaimer

By Caitlin Rothermel Last month, the Loop Editorial Board reviewed and updated the “Health Disclaimer” run in every issue. We made changes based on input from a writer who pointed out that its language – applied to be legally protective, and typical of what you would see in a health disclaimer – was actually off-putting…


VIFR Levy: Con

By Caitlin Rothermel The Vashon Island Fire and Rescue levy (Proposition 1) is coming to a vote this August. If the levy is voted in, the VIFR annual budget will grow from $6.7 million in 2023 to as high as $10.4 million in 2029. In our population-stable community of 10,866 people (based on United States…

Gardening with Children – Late-Season Carrots
Children, Gardening

Gardening with Children – Late-Season Carrots

By Caitlin Rothermel It can be challenging to garden when you have young children, but you also want to get them excited about growing things. It’s a dilemma.  It is totally possible to introduce small, focused projects that can be fun for everyone. Like carrots. They can fit into small or otherwise hard-to-use spaces, and…

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