Daniel Hooker

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Entertainment, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

By Daniel Hooker Al Pacino has taken up knitting for his new movie. Scarf Face. ~ From my landlady, Lynn Simpson Dear Parents, You have to be aware of your children’s balanced diet, because if they eat a box of granola in the morning, they might turn out to be cereal killers!

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

I’d love to give credit to Alex at the Auto Parts store for this one! Why are Irish bankers so successful? Because their capital is always Dublin! And thanks to Martin Feveyear for one more Irish joke! Why do you only put 239 beans into an Irish bean stew? Because, if you put one more…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

Do you know that we have five planets that are lining up right now? And one of them is Uranus. Reminding me of an old Star Trek joke! “What do the U.S.S. Enterprise and toilet paper have in common?” Well, they both circle Uranus searching for Klingons. What do you call a bunch of cattle…


Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

I’d like to start off with a story of my grandfather’s visitors, Charles and Anne Lindbergh. My grandfather owned the bank of Nome, Alaska. When the Lindberghs stayed to visit, they did not stay at a hotel. They stayed at my grandparent’s home. I, like my grandfather, have a practical-joke sense of humor, and my…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Entertainment, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

The pond that I was turned onto, Bong Ripper Pond, I found the review of it … The elevation was quite high, the trip is full of flowers and greenery, the immersion into the pond is exhilarating and leaves you with a heady, bubbly feeling! While the high elevation leaves you speechless and awestruck, it’s…

The Llaughing Llama Chronicles
Llaughing Llamas

The Llaughing Llama Chronicles

As we change from the old year into the new year, and as I shed my aging skin, I tend to look at myself in the mirror and laugh now at the different things we are going through as we get older. Recently, I’ve been alerted to the fact that we are starting up a…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Commentary, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

The story I want to share this month is a simple one. Do you remember the man, named Carl, who had hearing aids in both ears? He always told the best Dad Jokes ever. One day, he was at the Senior Center telling jokes around the room. But all you could hear was the punch…

Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

This morning, I was trimming my mustache and soul patch. I almost went too far, which would have given me a Noel Coward mustache. Fortunately, I stopped just in time. After all, I didn’t want to look cowardly. The good news is, I’m looking in like Flynn! On another note: Curatives! – Letting go of…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

by Daniel Hooker Join in the hilarity of a new, seasonal joke, just in time for our October Issue of The Vashon Loop! A couple met at a Halloween Party.The man looks at the woman and says, “What are you supposed to be?” She says, “A harp.” The man looks her up and down and…

Llaughing Llama Chronicles

Llaughing Llama Chronicles

by Daniel Hooker The other day, my friend Barbara asked me how I was sleeping, because of the hot weather. I said, “Not that well. Usually I count sheep when I can’t sleep, but I made the mistake of telling them a joke from Massachusetts.” “From Massachusetts?” She asked.“Yeah, two sheep walk into a baah…”…

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