Andy Valencia

Health Matters

Spike Proteins, Mental Fog, and Depression

By Andy Valencia This article is a early “heads up” on some very interesting research coming out of Germany. Dr. Michael Nehls is a physician, as well as a molecular geneticist, and has been chasing population-level brain health issues for many years. He is a published author with works in the area of Alzheimer’s disease, for…

Aliens on Vashon
Entertainment, Island Businesses, News

Aliens on Vashon

Update 3/14/2024 5:00PM… turns out this is the creation of local artist Matt Beursken, whose previous fame was that troll costume you saw last Halloween. He doesn’t really want to sell the saucer and alien, but he has some expenses coming up. The UFO started out as a satellite dish, and had been partially converted…

When Cell, Internet, and Landlines Go Silent
Island Resilience, March 2024

When Cell, Internet, and Landlines Go Silent

By Andy Valencia We keep bottled water in case our faucet’s suddenly dry. We have emergency rations in case the store’s supply chain is interrupted. And then there’s how we keep in touch, find out things, and buy things. Everything – phones, texting, email, apps – has converged on internet technology. When that “cyber event”…

February 2024, Island Voices

When College Doesn’t Make Sense

By Andy Valencia I’ll finish this series of articles with some final notes on places to make a living without a college degree. The point isn’t to supply an exhaustive list, but rather to give you a feel for where to look – and who to ask – when you start thinking about your future…

Making a Living Without a Degree
Commentary, Editorial Page, January 2024

Making a Living Without a Degree

By Andy Valencia My last article provided a strongly negative take on college. It wasn’t fair or balanced, because pretty much everything else you’ll read concerning college will tell you that, unless you buy a college degree, you’ll die disfigured and alone in a gutter somewhere. Before you reach your mid-twenties, most likely. Read anything…

Our Laundromat is Back
Island Businesses, January 2024, News

Our Laundromat is Back

By Andy Valencia For those without the room or the budget for their own washer and dryer, it’s been tough since our laundromat in town closed. But they’ve now reopened at the same location – with a large number of very nice-looking washers and dryers. Both cash and cards are supported, with washers running $4…

Commentary, Editorial Page, November 2023

Does College Still Make Sense?

By Andy Valencia It’s hardly worth printing as news: college is horrendously expensive. Over the span of my life, its price has doubled several times. When making financial decisions, there’s the useful concept of cost versus benefit. You spend a certain amount of, say, money. And in return you receive something of a certain value….

Please Don’t Search?
Commentary, Island Voices, October 2023

Please Don’t Search?

By Andy Valencia Over the years of my life, the US has been shedding ability at a pretty decent pace. We sent manufacturing overseas, and now we have almost nobody who knows how to design for manufacturing, how to set up injection molding, how to use a mill and lathe to fabricate custom parts. We’ve…

Vashon Meets Spanish Soccer
News, September 2023

Vashon Meets Spanish Soccer

By Andy Valencia The cafes of Vashon certainly provide coffee drinks, but their true value is in the surprises that often accompany your order. At Luna one morning, I was just getting my laptop ready when I heard a young woman in line mentioning that she had returned from playing semi-pro soccer in Europe. I…

Editorial Page, September 2023

Here We Go Again?

By Andy Valencia We’ve heard our president announce new funding for new COVID vaccines. Our local media includes a triumphant study of how Vashon did during the pandemic of recent memory. The general tone was that the world can learn from our success. We’re told the COVID storm clouds are gathering. We look at the…

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