Health Matters

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Health Matters, January 2025

Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Dr. Marli Parobek, DNP Greetings, fellow Vashonites! With the rain and dark in full swing, we are primed and ready to discuss Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), otherwise known as “The Winter Blues.” According to the National Institute of Health, SAD is defined by a new onset of depression with symptoms that last 4-5 months,…

Restoring Magnesium After the Holidays
Health Matters, January 2025

Restoring Magnesium After the Holidays

By Kathy Abascal Editor’s Note: Please enjoy this article, reprinted from the January 6, 2011 Vashon Loop and just as relevant today. Magnesium is an essential mineral. It regulates and helps maintain normal blood pressure. Magnesium also helps regulate our cholesterol levels. Low stores of magnesium increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, associated with…

December 2024, Health Matters

Herbs for the Holidays

By Kathy Abascal Editor’s Note: Please enjoy this article, reprinted from the December 2005 Vashon Loop, and just as relevant today! The holidays bring lights, presents, and a variety of tempting foods. We often spend our holidays with people we love in a dysfunctional way. Things may not measure up the way we think they…

Why Use a Soft vs Firm Roller?
December 2024, Health Matters

Why Use a Soft vs Firm Roller?

By Sandi Silagi “Fascia is a network of connective tissue, without beginning and end, which encloses everything in the whole body, from muscles and bones to organs and cells.” Foam rollers are generally thought of as a self-massage technique to ease muscle and fascia tension and improve circulation.  The effects of foam rolling have been studied…

Book Review – The Indoctrinated Brain
Book Review, Health Matters, November 2024

Book Review – The Indoctrinated Brain

Many of us have lived with loved ones who suffered from Alzheimers or other types of senile dementia. More recently, we’ve also seen complaints of “mental fog” coincident with the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus. One medical researcher, Dr. Michael Nehls, believes he’s found a common mechanism for all of these afflictions. Dr. Nehls…

Herbal Adaptogens
Health Matters, November 2024

Herbal Adaptogens

By Kathy Abascal Adaptogens are remarkable plants. They increase our ability to handle stress, both physical (such as an illness or injury) and mental (such as a difficult job or financial issues), and most of us would benefit greatly by taking them regularly.  I was taught that adaptogens will not solve our problems, but instead…

Dietary Supplements
Health Matters, October 2024

Dietary Supplements

By Leigh Siergiewicz Dietary supplements are very helpful when they are good quality, used correctly, and dosed appropriately. Unfortunately, this is often not the case, making them either a waste of money or potentially harmful. I always tell people not to buy supplements from third-party sellers on Amazon or other websites. I have personally had…

Hot Spots
Health Matters, September 2024

Hot Spots

By Kathy Abascal As we move through summer, fleas multiply, and many pets end up with hot spots. Hot spots are skin infections caused by an imbalance of bacteria. As the dog licks an itchy flea bite, the pH of the saliva disrupts the normal skin flora, creating an environment that suits the “wrong” microbes…

Health Matters, September 2024

What is Practice?

By Diana Diaz I think it’s fair to say that we all have our personal reasons for practicing yoga in its many forms. Hatha Yogis enjoy moving the body, while Raja Yogis gravitate toward the calming and clarifying effects of meditation. Japa Yogis immerse in chants and prayer. Karma Yogis take it into the world…

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