By Jane Valencia Note: Links within the article are to articles and recipes previously published in the Vashon Loop. As we enter Autumn and the flu season, a responsible thing we can do for ourselves, our loved ones, and our community is to ensure that we ourselves are in excellent health. Here are three avenues…
Health Disclaimer
By Caitlin Rothermel Last month, the Loop Editorial Board reviewed and updated the “Health Disclaimer” run in every issue. We made changes based on input from a writer who pointed out that its language – applied to be legally protective, and typical of what you would see in a health disclaimer – was actually off-putting…
By Kathy Abascal As I write, goldenrod is blooming in various spots along Vashon roads. There are hundreds of goldenrod species across the world; the one most frequently found in the northwest is Solidago canadensis, but there are a few other varieties. John Trelawny, author of “Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest,” notes that it is…
By Kathy Abascal I am told that you can measure when summer will end by watching fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) bloom. Here on Vashon, its purple flowers began to open at the base of its stem in early July. They then work their way up until finally the tips of the plant are in bloom. When…
Medicinal Plants on Vashon – Horsetail
By Dr. Leigh Siergiewicz Equisetum, or horsetail, is the only remaining genus in the prehistoric plant family Equisetaceae. I certainly think it looks like it belonged with dinosaurs, with its crusty texture and poky, bottle brush appearance. It is extremely persistent, with very deep rhizomes that make it extremely difficult to eradicate. It does not…
The Wonders of Licorice
By Kathy Abascal Many of us love real licorice candy and enjoy licorice’s sweet flavor in various herbal teas. But few appreciate what an amazing and useful plant licorice is. Licorice has been used medicinally for thousands of years in both European and Asian traditions. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), licorice is considered harmonizing because…
Medicinal Plants on Vashon – Cleavers
By Leigh Siergewicz When I first started learning about herbs, it was so exciting to find that the common weeds we see everywhere can be consumed for many benefits. After learning about cleavers, galium aparine, I can’t help but notice how abundant it is in spring. Cleavers are native to Europe, but have naturalized here. Cleavers…
Assess, Move, Re-Assess
By Sandi Silagi In February 2015, after withdrawing from a golf tournament, Tiger Woods claimed, “My glutes are shutting off.” That was the “butt” of many jokes to come, but what is the reality?Initially, I thought, “Fire your trainer!” “Use your ground forces, use your feet!” “Channel Arnold Palmer!” But I was wrong. The chain…
Father’s Day
By Daniel Hooker It’s Father’s Day. I remember being a father and why I tell dad jokes, and tell humorous stories. I studied psychology as an 18-year old in London, and worked/lived at an unfunded halfway house, called Cope House. There, I manned a Help/Suicide hotline two days a week, where humor and sharing stories…