Island Voices

Apocalypse Now! (Or, Maybe Not)
Island Voices, January 2025

Apocalypse Now! (Or, Maybe Not)

By Michael Shook       As I type this, we are about a month away from the inauguration of the President. Trump will go from “President-elect” to full-on “President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump.” These words strike fear and loathing into the hearts and minds of many Americans. But having heard some of…

Island Voices, January 2025

Singing the Survival of All Beings

 By Erin Durrett Mother orca, Tahlequah, carries a dead baby, once again, for all to see. She is holding her loss in a way that makes it possible for us to mourn with her, and the deeper vision is to see our own children in that mother’s arms. Could there be a more gracious, dignified,…

Cooking for the Hay Crew 
Island Voices, January 2025

Cooking for the Hay Crew 

By Pam (aka Gates) Johnson Seems like this time of year, it’s all about the food. I spent five days and about three hundred bucks preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for just seven people. If you are brave enough to read this to the end, you will find out the answer to an important Thanksgiving-related question….

Winter Sailing – Not!
Island Voices, January 2025

Winter Sailing – Not!

By Suzanna Leigh I’ve never done much winter sailing; I’m not a fan of cold storm winds and wet cold hands. Still, there’s something romantic about greeting the new year aboard a sailboat anchored between firework displays. Besides, Sea Change had a propane heater we wanted to try out. We checked the weather report. Of…

Island Voices, January 2025

The Planting of a Monastery

We had put a great deal of effort into our humble monastery, located inside a home in residential Richmond, California. But after the dramatic drug raid at a neighboring house – including a helicopter with spotlights – I prayed that we might be permitted to find a new monastic home in a rural location. The…

Santa Loves Cigars! 
December 2024, Island Voices

Santa Loves Cigars! 

By Seán C. Malone and John Sweetman As very young children, Christmas was always an exciting and wondrous time, but not for the same reasons that adults experienced. We were totally taken in by the family and church gatherings. Religious rituals, stories, and experiences were just taken for granted. We did have the eminently logical…

December 2024, Editorial Page, Island Voices

Boys Save the World

By Andy Valencia Even as an old dude, I still remember bits of my own boyhood. Parts were great, and parts were terrible. But I thought I should mention the thing that really sticks out in my memory: Boys are the greatest force for good in the world. The odd part is that, mostly, modern…

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