
In Lockdown With “A Gentleman From Moscow”

In Lockdown With “A Gentleman From Moscow”

I invite you back to mid-March 2020, when the COVID-19 lockdown started. It was seasonable on Vashon. But because it was not yet really spring, it was still easy to feel cold, especially at night.  Most notable at that time was a sense of worry and waitfulness. An uncertainty regarding what would come next, combined…



In last month’s “Farming Is Easy,” we introduced our foster cow Minnie, the purebred yearling Holstein whose name was upgraded on delivery to Leslie Lou Minnie Moo. Standing barely shy of six feet at the shoulder, my personal code name for her, “Cowzilla,” was rejected by one and all as too negative, human-centric, and bovine-shaming….

Farming is Easy

Farming is Easy

Empty pastures are like the vacuums which nature abhors. If you happen to have one, fenced and reasonably capable of growing grass, things will appear to fill it.  Soon enough, someone is bound to notice, and ask, “Would you like a slightly used goat? How about two?” If you respond, “Yes, but only if you…

Carla DeCrona’s Lyrical Poetic Moments

Carla DeCrona’s Lyrical Poetic Moments

My Mom was a lifelong writer, artist, musician and wonder-filled being. Before her transition to the life that comes next, she was blessed with the opportunity to go through all of her diaries. Boxes and boxes of them. The vast majority, dating as far back as her early 20’s, she released. A few, she kept,…

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Farm and Other Lost Treasures!

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Farm and Other Lost Treasures!

I grew up in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Long before high tech games and distractions became ubiquitous and childhood changed in so many ways. Gone are the days when children burst forth into their neighborhoods, playing Red Light, Green Light in the streets, dodging slow-moving cars headed home as the work day came…



The coconut treeThick tight clusters at the topUs at the bottom ~ Benson carved a faceSubjugation in BelizeEver blowing wind ~ The end of the rainy season — stray dogs wander wet ~ Famished, I crawled home Embarrassed at the party My sins he forgave ~ Some haiku from Belize and one from last week’s…

Poetry By Carla Dawn DeCrona

Poetry By Carla Dawn DeCrona

Around dawn, on Tuesday, January 3rd, Carla Dawn DeCrona completed her transition from this reality into the next. As her friends here on our Island and abroad learn of her passage forward, almost all have remarked upon the light my mother brought into this world. She was as bright in spirit as the glorious, sky…

Haiku Comic – Cold Outside, With Dog

Haiku Comic – Cold Outside, With Dog

This haiku comic was inspired by an experience my friend Cynthia shared with me, and is dedicated in memory of her brother, Jaime Sadurni Mendiola. Cold outside, with dog Stars freeze too – night is punctured Strokes of silver – swans!

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