New Local Leadership at the Vashon Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Announcements, July 2024

New Local Leadership at the Vashon Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not have paid clergy. Local members are asked to serve in all different capacities, all as volunteers without monetary compensation. They receive a “calling” to serve.  After 7 years of dedicated service, Chet Tillman, long-time Islander, has been released from serving as Branch President (congregational leader)….

Berry Upside Down Cake
July 2024, Recipes

Berry Upside Down Cake

By Joyce Kiefer Joyce Kiefer is a frequent visitor to Vashon, and the mom of editor Jane Valencia. She shared this recipe. Grandpa grew “young berries” in the backyard by the back fence. These berries were a hybrid of blackberries and raspberries. We had to do something with the abundant crop, so this cake was one…

Llaughing Llamas – July
Entertainment, July 2024, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas – July

By Daniel Hooker I had an experience at the Senior Center many years ago. Carl, a deaf man, was telling a joke. As he walked around the room, all you could hear was the punch line, “Dam! Dam! Dam!” The expressions on the elderly ladies were precious. They thought he had lost his mind. Finally,…

I Can See Now … the Pane is Gone
Island Voices, June 2024

I Can See Now … the Pane is Gone

By Seán Malone and John Sweetman “Hey! That Western gray squirrel is back!” And sure enough, that troublemaker was back pestering the Douglas squirrel, and we had a protective obligation to the native rodent versus the invasive Western gray bully type, that ate a lot of Seán’s birdseed for his wild birds, which the squirrels…

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