Editorial Page

Challenges LOVE Creative Solutions

In the summer of 2022, three members of our Editorial Team gathered in a garden to discuss our Island’s media landscape. No one newspaper can do it all, we concluded, and voila! The Vashon Loop was rebirthed, under new ownership!

At the same time, the cost of paper and fuel skyrocketed. Two months later, we published our inaugural September issue, paying double the normal price.

The Loop has traditionally been advertiser-supported, but these are unique economic times. The trouble with inflation is everything becomes more expensive. The value of money drops, belts are tightened, and the ripple effect is inescapable.

What’s a business to do? In most cases, you pass the costs on to the customer. As sticker shock becomes the norm at the gas station, our eyes glaze over as eggs crest $10 a dozen, and it’s harder and harder to get hyped up at our favorite “energy recharge stations” (i.e., coffee shops), we faced the same questions.

Do we raise our advertising rates? Answer – no. Do we charge money for our paper? Again – no. Instead, we’re going the opposite direction. Our advertising rates are extremely low, plus we offer discounts. We even decided to give our consistent advertisers the month of February – free of charge! Why? Because what goes around comes around, and challenging times call for creative solutions.

David Godsey, of Open Space for Arts and Community, shared their new, creative ticket pricing structure. The middle-cost ticket is the base price for the event. Then, there’s a higher-priced ticket, which allows Islanders to anonymously contribute toward the third type of ticket, which is discounted to allow for more economic inclusivity. Which ticket to purchase is determined by the individual at the door. No muss, no fuss – just a great night of fun!

As David put it, “We get to trust and care for our neighbors, we get to experience being cared for anonymously, we can give anonymously, and, as our heart grows, it becomes a muscle we can use when needed. And I would say that these days it is pretty much always needed!”

We feel the same way, and we’re eager to share more stories of island creativity during these challenging times! Have a great idea to share? Send it our way: editor@vashonloop.com.

Want to support The Vashon Loop by becoming a “voluntary paid reader?” Drop us a check @ PO. Box 2221, Vashon WA 98070, or become a “paid subscriber” to our Vashon Loop Substack: https://vashonloop.substack.com/ – follow the prompts and prepare to be impressed!

We are grateful for all of the emails, letters, and checks in the mail, as well as comments of appreciation spontaneously offered out and about. Because of you and your generosity, our hearts are strengthened, our trust is validated, our sense of reciprocal caring has grown exponentially, and The Loop’s income stream is diversifying, increasing our resiliency! Thank you, Vashon.

February 8, 2023

About Author

march March Twisdale has called Vashon Island home for nearly twenty years. A lifelong advocate of independent thought, March believes there are as many right choices as there are people in the world. She looks forward to bringing inspiring content to Vashon Loop readers, as she's done for eight years with her radio show - Prose, Poetry & Purpose. Find her on Substack.com by searching "Our Thoughts Matter."