New Local Leadership at the Vashon Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Announcements, July 2024

New Local Leadership at the Vashon Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not have paid clergy. Local members are asked to serve in all different capacities, all as volunteers without monetary compensation. They receive a “calling” to serve. 

After 7 years of dedicated service, Chet Tillman, long-time Islander, has been released from serving as Branch President (congregational leader). We offer to him our deepest thanks. 

Marty Mickelson has been called as the new branch president, with Ed Murphy and Gene Kuhns as first and second counselors respectively.

Short Bios: Marty Mickelson has lived on the Island for 19 years. He and his wife Jenny have three kids that they love spending time with. He works in the tech industry with a background in software engineering and management. He hopes to be an example of faith and service to Islanders, showing love to everyone no matter what their situation or beliefs are.

Ed Murphy has been living on Vashon since 1990, managing Murphy Family Builders, a construction company. He is a loving husband to his wife Robin, father to his children, and brother to his siblings. Ed can often be found dropping what he is doing to lend a helping hand. “Our calling is to love Jesus Christ, our neighbors, and serve each other.”

Gene Kuhns has lived on the Island for 16 years with his wonderful wife Jan. They have 7 children and 18 grandchildren scattered all over the United States. Gene is the Estimating Manager for a mechanical contractor and runs a tree service business on Vashon. He and Jan have served in the community teaching food preservation, self-sufficiency, wild foraging, personal finances, and coordinating missionary service projects throughout the Island. 

We are here to love and serve this Island in whatever way we can.  This world is full of challenges but also light and hope. We wish to extend a hand of fellowship, a listening ear, and help where we can. We are in this together. Come as you are. All are welcome. Sunday meetings start at 10:00 a.m. at 9330 SW 204th St.

July 9, 2024

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