Once upon a time, while sipping tea (Chocolate Mint Rooibus) on the Roasterie front porch, an Islander envisioned an ancestor right there with her, and painted her. Inspired by a recent conversation with Eva about ancestors, we share that painting with you now. Illustration by Jane Valencia
14/48 – The World’s Quickest Theater Festival Arrives
By Jane Valencia Taking place at the Open Space is 14/48, a whirlwind production made up of Vashon artists and collaborators, in which 14 plays are created and performed in 48 hours. Here’s how 14/48 Vashon describes the process: “On Thursday night, this group of fearless creators gathers and throws themes into a hat. A…
The Bear King’s Lullaby
By Jane Valencia, inspired by the song “Binwag’s Lullaby,” lyrics by Debra Knodel Once upon a time, a Bear King lived in a great forest hall in the north. During summer and the time of abundance, he had many visitors to his hall – Deer, Chickadee, Raccoon, and Red Fox to name a few who…
Back on Track – Part 2
By Jane Valencia This article continues the story of Islander Alice Watkins, who plays on two teams with Rat City Roller Derby, Seattle’s flat track roller derby league. Read part 1 here. Alice isn’t alone in engaging in hefty travel to attend practices and bouts. Players come from all over the greater Seattle area, from…
At the Vashon Island Coffee Roasterie
Enjoy Holiday Cheer at the Vashon Island Coffee Roasterie! Illustration by Jane Valencia
Back on Track: An Island Mom Rejoins Roller Derby – Part 1
By Jane Valencia Roller derby practice is tonight. After a full day as a mom, Alice Watson drops off her three-year-old son Sorrel with her co-parent Caelan at the tail end of his work day. Then she rushes off to the ferry with a drive to north Seattle on the other side, a 1½ hour…
Corporate Gift Cards? Give Cash!
By Jane Valencia The holiday season approaches, and with it, choosing gifts. If you’re like me, you often send gift cards to your teen and young adult loved ones, so they can purchase just what they want. But if you’ve been reading the “Cash On Vashon” articles these past months (see vashonloop.com), and striving to…
Book Review – Icon: A Novel
By Jane Valencia On Thursdays, I head across the water to an Eastern Catholic church where I am learning how to write (paint) icons – sacred images in the Orthodox tradition considered to be “windows into heaven.” I also happen to love juvenile and young adult fiction. Imagine my delight when I found “Icon: A…
Support Your Immune System
By Jane Valencia Note: Links within the article are to articles and recipes previously published in the Vashon Loop. As we enter Autumn and the flu season, a responsible thing we can do for ourselves, our loved ones, and our community is to ensure that we ourselves are in excellent health. Here are three avenues…
Clothing Drive at the Food Bank
By Jane Valencia If you stop in at the Food Bank on most Wednesdays, you’ll come upon tables arrayed with clothing, sleeping bags, blankets, and other gear, available for free. Your host is Daniel Hooker, who is not only a humorist, offering jokes as he does here in The Loop pages, but, when asked, sharing…