Jane Valencia

Poetry for The Light And The Beautiful Dark

Poetry for The Light And The Beautiful Dark

Please enjoy a poem by Margaret Roncone and two poems by Claudia Hollander-Lucas. Autumn Light lengthening shadowsdiscard bright lightstore it in acupboard for next June what I notice andpause to studyare narrators ofa fresh storyunfolding in pebbled graveldried grassand moon’s play on stone. By Margaret Roncone Margaret Roncone: I write poetry daily because of a…


Welcome to Issue #2

Printed newspapers arrive on the Island today, and will be delivered to numerous businesses and other locations throughout the Island. Are you a fan from over the water? Or are you an Islander who doesn’t want to wait for your copy? For a newspaper experience (the closest you can get!) read The Vashon Loop, Vol….

Beyond the End of the Line

Beyond the End of the Line

In this article I attempt to use terminology that depicts the reality that Japanese Americans suffered in the War Relocation Authority (WRA) camps during World War II, as opposed to the euphemisms employed at the time and often used to this day. For further information, please see the references at the end of this article….

Thank You for Reading Our First Issue

Thank You for Reading Our First Issue

Thank you for reading the first issue of the rebooted Vashon Loop. The learning curve has been huge, but the journey has been amazing. We are so grateful for the enthusiastic support we’ve received from this community. It’s an honor to serve you! We know these pages aren’t perfect, but they are pure Island. “Ferry”…


Crossword Puzzle: Now Arriving, Vashon Island!

You may want to do the puzzle the old-fashioned way, on paper. To do so, access the full-size crossword puzzle here. Download it, print it, and you should be good to go! Caution: Spoilers below! The Answers to the Crossword Puzzle to follow. Are you sure you want to see them? Really? Now? I’m going…


Welcome to The Vashon Loop

Welcome to the reboot of The Vashon Loop! We are honored to have you join us. The Loop has a 20+ year long history. Launched initially as The Ticket by Hamish Todd, Marie Browne and Troy Kindred took ownership in 2004, and The Ticket became The Vashon Loop. Steve Allen joined the team, and in…

Health Matters

Health Disclaimer

Information found in The Vashon Loop is meant for educational purposes only.Any health-related content is the opinion of the author alone and should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions or to prescribe medicine. Your health is your personal responsibility, and your body and situation is unique. Please consult with an appropriate medical…

Why The Loop Now

Why The Loop Now

What does it mean to be Islanders? What are the unique issues that we face? It hardly bears saying that the past two+ years have been challenging. How do they affect us individually and in our various circles and threads of community? Do you feel that your perspective has been or is being heard, valued,…

Island Voices

Land Acknowledgment

We honor this island, known today as Vashon-Maury Island, upon which we live and work. We are nourished and blessed by the rivers and waters, the trees, and the fish, the plants, and birds, and many other beings in the soil, Sound, and air who make up this beautiful place we call home. We especially…

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