Kathy Abascal

August 2023, Health Matters


By Kathy Abascal I am told that you can measure when summer will end by watching fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) bloom. Here on Vashon, its purple flowers began to open at the base of its stem in early July. They then work their way up until finally the tips of the plant are in bloom. When…

The Wonders of Licorice
Health Matters

The Wonders of Licorice

By Kathy Abascal Many of us love real licorice candy and enjoy licorice’s sweet flavor in various herbal teas. But few appreciate what an amazing and useful plant licorice is. Licorice has been used medicinally for thousands of years in both European and Asian traditions.  In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), licorice is considered harmonizing because…

The Problem With Anti-Lectin Diets
Health Matters

The Problem With Anti-Lectin Diets

Lectin-free diets seem to come and go with some regularity. At present, Dr. Steven Gundry’s “Plant Paradox” is the most popular version. Anti-lectin diets urge people to stop eating all grains, legumes, and nightshades. They claim that these specific foods contain lectins, a type of protein that binds sugars and can cause cells to stick…

The Hawthorn Berries Are Ready
Health Matters

The Hawthorn Berries Are Ready

There are many hawthorns on Vashon, and their berries will soon be ready to pick – they are said to make the best medicine after a good frost. Most years, the small trees or shrubs are covered with berries that hang on well through winter. For some reason, few people bother to take advantage of…

Intermittent Fasting
Health Matters

Intermittent Fasting

By Kathy Abascal Intermittent fasting has been trendy for some time. On this type of fast, people eat freely for 8 hours and fast the remaining 16 hours of the day. While this fast can be very healthy if done properly, many have implemented it in a way that is not. For example, many skipped…

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