Rich Osborne

Marj Watkins for Mayor of Vashon!
Announcements, June 2024

Marj Watkins for Mayor of Vashon!

By Rich Osborne Marjorie Watkins was born 100 years ago, on July 21, 1924, on Chehalam Mountain, Oregon. She was raised on the Oregon coast during the Great Depression. Her family, the Brunsons, were loggers, farmers, and hunters.  At age 14, Marj started writing a regular column for the Tillamook newspaper. She wrote ad copy…

Music Mends Minds
Announcements, September 2023

Music Mends Minds

Sounds simple, no? It is simple. If you embrace music, music will heal you. I have been leading the MMM sing-along for five years, and at the Vashon Senior Center for a year-and-a-half. Every Tuesday, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Maybe you should come? People come for the joy of singing. For friendship and laughter in…


VIFR Levy: Pro

By Rich Osborne Yes, Vashon, at long last, we need to fully fund our fire department. Someone wiser than I said “Expecting better results while repeating the same behavior is the definition of insanity.” VIFR just getting by is risky in a warming climate with, whisper it, GLOBAL WARMING increasing our fire risk every year….

Love Letters To the Island
Letter to the Island

Love Letters To the Island

By Rich Osborne The Vashon Loop invites Islanders to share what they appreciate about Vashon-Maury Island and Island life. Send your letter to June 2017, I was selling my foods at the Vashon Farmers’ Market. John Moore and I were helping other vendors set up their booths. One week, John said “Rich, you act…

Island Voices

The Treasure That Is the Vashon Senior Center

By Rich Osborne If you have been following my letters, you know that I lead the Music Mends Minds sing-along at 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the Vashon Senior Center. You should also know about other programs the Vashon Senior Center offers. Just last month, the Senior Center hosted Monday/Wednesday/Friday lunch service and delivery and…

Beach Cleaning
Island Voices

Beach Cleaning

By Rich Osborne Suzanna and I go walking every day we can. Our favorite beach walks are Tramp Harbor and KVI beaches. A couple of years ago, we noticed that the amount of beer cans, cigarette butts, vape containers, and general trash had increased exponentially. At Suzanna’s suggestion, we started to take a plastic bag…

Home2Vashon 2022
Health Matters

Home2Vashon 2022

By Rich Osbourne In late 2016, I was selling my “All Things Rich” spices and oil at the Saturday Farmers Market. My friend, Patty was crying. I asked, “What’s wrong?” She told me, “I can’t afford Garrett’s ferry home from his cancer treatment.” That Tuesday, at Vashon Community Care where I lead the Music Mends…

Island Voices

Come Sing With Us at Music Mends Minds

By Rich Osborne. At 1:30 PM every Tuesday, Music Mends Minds gathers at the Vashon Senior Center. MMM is a Vashon Rotary-sponsored sing-a-long for folks suffering dementia. It’s also for folks who just miss singing together. We are Rotarians and non-Rotarians, volunteer musicians playing together to improve the quality of the lives of our neighbors….