Arrival Stories

What Brought You to the Island?
Arrival Stories

What Brought You to the Island?

Short answer: It was the movie “The Paper Chase.” Longer answer … It was the week of Thanksgiving 1989 when I found myself on a ferry boat, in a small car that carried my few possessions, crossing the Puget Sound to an Island called Vashon. I was coming to this Island because, in a turn…

Flying Donuts Versus Flying Saucers
Arrival Stories, Entertainment

Flying Donuts Versus Flying Saucers

In the summer of 1947, Harold Dahl, a tugboat captain from Tacoma, described the hollow-centered crafts he saw as flying donuts. Edward R. Murrow, the nation’s foremost journalist, flew out to interview eyewitnesses, and he reported what they saw as “flying saucers.” The phrase was soon adopted as common parlance. But doesn’t “flying donuts” sound…

What Brought Me to the Island
Arrival Stories

What Brought Me to the Island

The most obvious method whereby I arrived here is “by boat,” which is, I admit, a dreadful and dreadfully weak attempt at humor, for which I blame a certain recalcitrant eight year-old in my head, who refuses to grow up, and who will not go away, either. I could also blame my father, who, like…

What Brought You to Vashon?
Arrival Stories

What Brought You to Vashon?

By Janet Miller Bound for Vashon. We all have our path that brought us together onto this Rock. Each of our stories are unique, and some are truly inspiring. For Wayne and I, we had concluded that we just needed to get back to the Northwest. Wayne and I met at the University of Oregon….

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