Michael Shook

Island Voices, September 2024


By Michael Shook The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is perhaps most famous among the general public for his statement “God is dead.” He also wrote, “Without music, life would be a mistake.”  In contrast, the author Kurt Vonnegut once remarked, “Music is to me proof of the existence of God.” I think Vonnegut would agree with…

Summer Gifts
August 2024, Island Voices

Summer Gifts

By Michael Shook As I write this, first spring and now summer have unfolded in a lovely manner. June was a delight, with some sunny days breaking up the deliciously cool and cloudy ones that were at times even a bit moist. The rhododendrons both on the Island and off seem to have bloomed particularly…

Island Voices, July 2024

Innocence and Demons, Part 3

By Michael Shook Kirttimukha, Face of Glory, is a demon in Hindhu mythology who symbolizes the monstrous nature of life and the glory to be found in realizing that this is just how life is, and discovering how to live in it. Read more about Kirttimukha in Part 1 of this series, published in May…

Of Innocence and Demons, Part 2
Island Voices, June 2024

Of Innocence and Demons, Part 2

By Michael Shook Once one’s facade of innocence is peeled away – invariably in a painful manner – nothing ever again looks quite the same. This is a good thing. Among the many salutary effects I experienced as a result of my “fall to earth” was the collapse of the notion that humanity is perfectable….

Of Innocence and Demons
Island Voices, May 2024

Of Innocence and Demons

By Michael Shook This summer, I will turn 70. There will come an anniversary in August – late August, if I remember correctly. One would think I might remember clearly the date, given the life-changing experience that it was. Let it suffice to say, late summer.  Here, a little background is necessary. For my 40th…

Technology – Friend, or Foe? 
April 2024, Island Voices

Technology – Friend, or Foe? 

By Michael Shook The question came to mind because we bought an electric car. Well, a partially electric car, a plug-in hybrid. It feels like a tank compared to our 16 year-old Subaru, but nonetheless drives very nicely, and is quiet as can be, even when the gas/hybrid motor kicks in.  The Subaru was doing…

Winter’s End
Island Voices, March 2024

Winter’s End

By Michael Shook  “… the hounds of Spring are on Winter’s traces …”  They are indeed, lashed to a dead run by this year’s strong El Niño weather system. Buds are plump to bursting, daffodils, hyacinth, and crocus have been out and blooming for weeks, and the scents are shifting. In the late winter breezes,…

Dr. King’s Legacy
February 2024, Island Voices

Dr. King’s Legacy

By Michael Shook It is February, Black History Month. I think January and February dovetail nicely, since last month we celebrated the birthday of one of the great leaders of the twentieth century, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And as I’ve considered the history of recent years, and the legacy of Dr. King,…

The Old Man
Island Voices, January 2024

The Old Man

By Michael Shook Last year, 2023, marked 25 years since my father died. I did nothing in particular to mark the occasion, other than noting it was that accumulation of years whereby things are thought about, or spoken about because, well, because a certain amount of time has passed. And it seemed like not that…

… Replace
December 2023, Island Voices

… Replace

By Michael Shook When I hear the word “replace,” I usually think of it in the sense of something or someone being gotten rid of. As in, “Let’s replace that old vacuum cleaner,” or “Bill, we’re sorry, but we’re going to replace you with a robot.” But the first definition in my dictionary is, “To…

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