Cabbage Salad with Warm Shallot Vinaigrette
February 2024, Recipes

Cabbage Salad with Warm Shallot Vinaigrette

By Caitlin Rothermel When we first moved to Vashon, we had the pleasure of working with Len Wolff, one of the most professional and responsive realtors on the Island. Recently, Len and his wife Nancy started a new venture with the magazine, “Good To Be Home,” which is how I first came across this recipe. …

After Snowmelt
February 2024, Poetry

After Snowmelt

By Yvonne Higgins Leach From Yvonne: This poem appears in my new book just released by Kelsay Books titled “In the Spaces Between Us”. “After Snowmelt” is my attempt to come to terms with what humans are doing to nature and the environment.

February 2024, Poetry

You in Preview (Paris in the Winter of 1913-14)

By Rainier Maria Rilke, translated by Marc J. Elzenbeck You who I foreseethe lost beloved who never comesI won’t know your favorite songsso have stopped trying to stopthe waves of your next momentswhich will surely obliterate this landscape. The cities, towers and bridgestwist and turn in their coursesof lands forever tremblingin the thrall of intermingling godswho…

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles
Entertainment, Llaughing Llamas

Llaughing Llamas Chronicles

By Daniel Hooker Q. What’s the most dangerous thing in your bathroom to use as your life preserver A. A sink! ~ From J.J. Mormon at Island Lumber: I can’t understand why New Yorkers make such a big deal about New Year’s Eve. I mean, after all, every year they drop the ball! ~ I…

Delivery Truck Versus Standard Goods
Island Businesses, News

Delivery Truck Versus Standard Goods

A delivery truck misjudged their position while parking, went up on the curb, and did some impressive damage to the front of Standard Goods. A quick look around town didn’t discover a delivery truck with its counterpart damage, but Uptown is well-monitored by cameras, so we assume the driver’s company will be in touch concerning…

Team Osprey
Editorial Page, January 2024

Team Osprey

By the Vashon Loop Editorial Board At The Vashon Loop, it is hard for us to not take certain issues very seriously these days – that’s because these are serious times. Last year, The Loop took the opportunity to dive deep into the structures of several local administrative organizations. The experience was so eye-opening that…

Olympia Set to Appoint “Rubber Barons”
Editorial Page, January 2024

Olympia Set to Appoint “Rubber Barons”

By Marc J. Elzenbeck Washington State is eager to further cut carbon emissions. To that end, it’s anticipated to pass a law requiring residents to buy ultra-low rolling resistance tires when replacing original (OEM) equipment. Officials promise this will save hundreds per driver in fuel costs. This is true. For a given car or light…

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