Health Matters

A Vashon Doctor Speaks Up

By An Island Doctor When COVID-19 started, I was stunned like everyone else. As the dust settled, I had more questions than answers from our major government institutions. I had colleagues with the same questions and uncertainty as myself, while others took the guidance from the CDC without question as a trustworthy source that needs…

Minglement – Celebrating Community
Island Resilience

Minglement – Celebrating Community

Annual Roots Light Celebration Winter root soup … delicious organic bread with butter … hot cider … a warm fire … Gifts of the abundant earth from Islanders gardens, beautifully displayed on the porch, featuring herbs, seeds, mushrooms, dried flowers, gourds, and carved pumpkins. We are always amazed by the generosity of this community, and…

ACA Health Insurance Open Enrollment
Announcements, Island Resilience

ACA Health Insurance Open Enrollment

By Hilary Emmer ACA Health Insurance Open EnrollmentSign-Up       Re-NewKing County Public Health is Here to Help!! Dates:   Wednesday: November 16th     1pm – 3pm               Saturday:     December 3rd       Noon – 3pm               Wednesday: December 21st      1pm – 3pm               Saturday:     January 7th           Noon – 3pm               Wednesday: January 18th          1pm – 3pm        All Dates are at the Vashon Library (inside…

Do Clams Have Eyes?

Do Clams Have Eyes?

By Seán Malone and John Sweetman As kids, we seemed to start out on a rather low rung of the evolutionary ladder. Pretty much all our activity – not strictly devoted to mere troublemaking – was of the “hunter/gatherer” nature. We were always on the lookout for useful items: driftwood, food plants, clams, stinky dead…

What We Hold in Our Hands
Commentary, Editorial Page, Island Voices

What We Hold in Our Hands

Money. Hold-in-your-hand coins. Pull-out-of-your-wallet cash. Circles of metal that last decades, centuries and millennia … matter. Not only are coins “literally” matter, but they offer an experience, a record of human society, an imprint on our lives and tactile memories that no electricity-dependent, Virtual Reality method of accounting or digital currency can offer. A child,…


Right? Right.

By Andy Valencia I built a nice device for a huge company (well, I did most of the system design and all of the software). It made lots of money, and – yay! – I was a rock star at my company. Sic transit gloria mundi. I measured its performance, and determined that it could,…

Poetry for The Light And The Beautiful Dark

Poetry for The Light And The Beautiful Dark

Please enjoy a poem by Margaret Roncone and two poems by Claudia Hollander-Lucas. Autumn Light lengthening shadowsdiscard bright lightstore it in acupboard for next June what I notice andpause to studyare narrators ofa fresh storyunfolding in pebbled graveldried grassand moon’s play on stone. By Margaret Roncone Margaret Roncone: I write poetry daily because of a…

VIFR Upsize

VIFR Upsize

By Andy Valencia In the years we’ve lived on Vashon, I’ve read many an article on Vashon Island Fire and Rescue. All too often, I have finished the article befuddled and no more informed than when I started. As I join the club of people who have written about VIFR, I’m finding a newfound sympathy…

What Brought You to Vashon?
Arrival Stories

What Brought You to Vashon?

By Janet Miller Bound for Vashon. We all have our path that brought us together onto this Rock. Each of our stories are unique, and some are truly inspiring. For Wayne and I, we had concluded that we just needed to get back to the Northwest. Wayne and I met at the University of Oregon….

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