Island Voices, January 2025

The Planting of a Monastery

We had put a great deal of effort into our humble monastery, located inside a home in residential Richmond, California. But after the dramatic drug raid at a neighboring house – including a helicopter with spotlights – I prayed that we might be permitted to find a new monastic home in a rural location. The…

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Health Matters, January 2025

Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Dr. Marli Parobek, DNP Greetings, fellow Vashonites! With the rain and dark in full swing, we are primed and ready to discuss Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), otherwise known as “The Winter Blues.” According to the National Institute of Health, SAD is defined by a new onset of depression with symptoms that last 4-5 months,…

Restoring Magnesium After the Holidays
Health Matters, January 2025

Restoring Magnesium After the Holidays

By Kathy Abascal Editor’s Note: Please enjoy this article, reprinted from the January 6, 2011 Vashon Loop and just as relevant today. Magnesium is an essential mineral. It regulates and helps maintain normal blood pressure. Magnesium also helps regulate our cholesterol levels. Low stores of magnesium increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, associated with…

January 2025, Recipes

Island Epicure – National Soup Month

Warm Up A Cold Day with Mesclin Flatbrod and Hot Chicken Soup By Suzanna Leigh and Marj Watkins Marj Watkins’ “Gluten Free Baking” cookbook is a do-it-yourself project; Marj first printed in the 1970s under her publishing imprint, Firtree Press. This year, I dug it out of retirement, put a new cover on it, updated…

January 2025, Recipes

Pancakes for Matrona

By Jane Valencia We were heading soon to a gathering, and I unexpectedly found myself with a spare 45 minutes. Could I cook something to bring? We had a new large griddle, and over the years I’ve made a lot of pancakes. The pancakes today would need to be dairy-free. Gluten-free, or digestively gentle, would…

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